Friday, October 31, 2008

Another Holiday Ruined

It seems like every holiday this year has had some sort of disaster. I don't even remember where we were or what happened for Valentines Day or St. Patty's Day, for our one year anniversary there was the big condo fire, the four of July we were sick, and now Halloween I was sent to the Emergency Room with smoke inhalation from yet another fire.

This fire was not as bad as the last one. Richard was at school and I was sleeping from working all night and had a dream that the condo was on fire. When I woke up and was still smelling smoke from my dream and the condo was cloudy. My first thought was "am I still dreaming?" I went over to a neighbors and asked her to come over and make sure I wasn't dreaming. Sure enough my condo was filled with smoke, but no flames were seen. I called 911 while she helped open windows (and now that I think about it, if there were flames opening the windows would give oxygen to the fire, thus making it bigger.) When the firemen got there I lead them to my place, they walked in and confirmed there was no flames but a lot of smoke. Of course my first priority after calling the fire department, and my parents to let them know what was going on, was to rescue the animals. The birds were easy, but trying to find two cats that are afraid of shadows let alone a crazy owner running around trying to grab at them, was difficult. I got boots and was trying to shove him into the cat carrier when he bit me. So after that I just ran out to the car and locked him in it. I never found Phee Phee.

Come to find out the condo just behind us had a grease fire that got out of control and consumed their kitchen. The fire was put out and the "only visible fire damage" was in their condo, but our condo was filled with smoke. I started having a hard time breathing and feeling light headed so I asked to be check out by the ambulance crew, which all knew Richard. It is a scary thing not being able to breathe but I knew if I started to freak out it would make it worse so I just tried to stay calm. I decided that I needed a breathing treatment and needed to make sure that there was no damage to my lungs, so I went by ambulance to PVH (home away from home).

(Picture of me in the ER, getting a breathing treatment)

It was quite embarrassing coming into the ER on a stretcher and seeing everybody. I got checked out and got some medicine to help my lungs open. I was diagnosed with chemical irritation and acute airway obstruction. It still burns a little in my lungs but I'll live. Poor Richard was stuck at school during the whole thing and couldn't get out, he finally was able to come get me at the hospital. Mean while my parents are going to work with the insurance company about getting a smoke damage assessment. And the animals are all safe and accounted for! Needless to say we aren't going up to Logan for Halloween or Dylans birthday, another holiday ruined!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Growing up with no time

I had a patient who was 17 years old and can I tell you it was so funny. Such a teenager, he totally reminded me of my brother Dylan. It made me relalize that I have missed a bunch of my siblings growing up. It makes me sad because we, as siblings, grew up really close. Moving out and having to work full time to keep up with my bills and school didn't really leave me time to spend with my family. But I am so excited to go home for Dylans birthday! I have no clue what I am going to get him. I miss my family and I can't wait to go to logan.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Life is turning around in circles

It seems life life is going in circles for us. When things start to go good, it ends up getting worse than it was and when things are looking bad something good happens. It is like an endless circle just toying with our lives. I just found out some bad news about school and the nursing program. So that has made me reevaluate what I am going to do with my future and school. Richard isn't getting any better and isn't going to. So this is making him reevaluate his future plans. The "life" we wanted isn't going to come easily and it is going to require even more work on our part. It seems like there is something we need to do before we move on, and with much prayer I am still waiting to find out what it is. I would love to go back to Logan and live there, but there are more opportunities for us here and his family. I don't know it is a hard call.

I know that I haven't made the best choices in my life that has led me to where I am now, and I except that. There are some choices that I wouldn't take back for the world, like marring Richard, when I was young and in the middle of school. I wouldn't take back where I work or the experience I have had. I know Richard won't take back some of his choices like trying to save the lady's life that has ruined his life, and that's way I love him. It's hard to try and plan the future because we never know whats going to happen, most importantly with Richards health. We never know what kind of medical problems are going to pop up next. We just need to stay strong and help each other. There might be a few huge changes in our not so distance future and I will let people know as it happens.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I am so excited!

I have been playing around with this for the last couple of hours at work. I am so excited about this blog, when I get home I am going to add pictures!!! Hooray for us. I hope you all enjoy.


We have started a blog of our own!!

So i work nights and there isn't a lot to do half the time so i look at every ones blog at least twice a night. So i thought i would start a blog of our own! It was a hard transition to leave Powell land, but i will always be a royal citizen. It just makes me realize that once again i am growing up!

So to all family and friends enjoy and leave comments i will check it often.
