Monday, February 22, 2010

I survived layoffs!!!

The hospital has been over staffed so they said there were going to be layoffs 2 nurses and 2 techs. We were all told no one would be safe (meaning seniority.) I was nervous because I do not get along with one of our bosses, so I have been on pins and needles for the last week. Well it was posted this morning and I was not on the list of layoffs!!! Hooray for me survived my first layoff scare!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah glad to hear that you made it. I was never worried for a second!! ;0

Jennifer Sciore said...

Yay!! Congrats! You are the best tech there and so they would be stupid to get rid of you!

Megs said...

Oh thanks, it means a lot to me to know you think that of me Jen and Kristina.

Natalie Resch said...

They would be dumb to let you go!!! No worries at all Megs, you're the best.

Brooke said...

Congrats you made it, but they wouldn't and couldn't lay off my Megs!! :)