Saturday, April 4, 2009

Another Sleepless night

I am at home tonight and surprise surprise I can't sleep. But it is okay I am to reading "Midnight Sun" Edwards side of Twilight. My sister and my aunt were telling me about and I just had to read it! Its awful I know, to read about vampires than sleep, but I love it. Sleep well all!


Meandering Mel said...

Hahahaha.I do the same sometimes. I'm reading The Historian, which is a historical fiction vampire story. It's a thick book, and dense, so I'm reading it slower than I would most books. You'll have to read it when I give it back to your mom. :)

Have you had a chance yet to check out the Blue Blood series, by Melissa de la Cruz? Her teenage vampire books are fantastic. :)

Natalie Resch said...

Okay, Megs, you're offically obsessed! JK, I did the same thing. After Stephenie Meyer posted it for everyone to read, I read it. I was sad it left off in the middle though. Dang-flabit! All well, eventually she will finish it, I am sure. Hey, if you want to read my YA book, I'll send it your way. If you like Twilight you just may like mine too...hmm...just a thought.