I am beginning to think that this year just hasn't been our year (huh duh!) and now that it is almost over, I am hoping that the next year will be a lot better. I just got the news that the new day job I applied for in the lab I didn't get, just one more thing to add to the list of disappointments this year. I have been thinking about what this year has been like, and here it is in a nut shell...
Jan--Started Nursing school, bought a new car
Feb--New car in accident
March--Richard in hospital 2 weeks
April--Something happened I know it, because I have started this
blog like five times and each time I have to end it, I had something!
May--Passed nursing classes and started up again.
June--Big condo fire, 1 year anniversary.
July--Family River rafting with Megs sick, Megs birthday.
August--Didn't pass nursing (sucks), start school in a different program.
Sept--Both of us really sick for two weeks.
Oct--Richard started working, Condo firer and Megs sent to ER.
Nov--Richard fired from work, Megs has job interview.
Dec--Megs did not get the new job, pass classes, Richards b-day,
Richards medical case closed.
Pretty much something bad/disappointing/traumatic has
happened every month. I am hoping that this next year will be a the exact opposite from this year!